Levels of assurance

eHerkenning has 3 levels of assurance: EH2+, EH3 and EH4. The service provider to which you log in, determines the level of assurance of its online services.

The higher the level of assurance, the more secure and more reliable the access, and the greater the level of certainty a service provider has about who it does business with. Characteristics of a higher level eHerkenning:

  • more checks when an eHerkenning means is issued

This ensures greater certainty about identity and authority. In other words, the service provider knows for certain which business it is dealing with, and whether the individual is authorised to arrange certain affairs on behalf of this business.

EH2+ (eIDAS: basic)
Login method 2-factor authentication via user name and password, in combination with SMS code or PIN code via a token
Application procedure
  • Fully online or
  • Partly online and partly offline (by post).

In that case, you must submit the signed application form and the necessary documents, by post.

Identity check Copy of a legal ID document (WID)
Check of authority Via Chamber of Commerce registration
Issue Activation code and password. You will receive the activation code and password separately.
Difference compared to EH2
  • Additional built-in security measure in the login method (2-factor authentication).

You log in based on something you know (user name or password) and something you have or receive (SMS code or token). This is known as 2-factor authentication. 

EH3 (eIDAS: substantial)
Login method 2-factor authentication via user name and password, in combination with SMS code or PIN code via a token or app with QR code
Application procedure
  • Fully online or
  • Partly online and partly offline (by post).

In that case, you must submit the signed application form and the necessary documents, by post.

Identity check

Via legal ID document (no copy) and face-to-face check. This takes place at a location of your choice

Identity check applies for the legal representative, the authorisation manager and the user.   

Check of authority Via Chamber of Commerce registration
Issue Online and offline (for example via registered post) 
Difference compared to EH2+
  • Additional built-in security measures in the identity check and authority check (face-to-face check based on a legal ID document).
  • Issue online or issue via registered post.
EH4 (eIDAS: high)
Login method Via PKI certificate
Application procedure
  • Fully online or
  • Partly online and partly offline (by post).

In that case, you must submit the signed application form and the necessary documents, by post.

Identity check

Via legal ID document (no copy) and face-to-face check. This takes place at a location of your choice.

Identity check applies for: the legal representative, the authorisation manager and the user. 

Do they have a qualified certificate? This can be used to sign the application. In that case, additional identification is not needed. 

Check of authority Via Chamber of Commerce registration

Offline (from most suppliers).

For example via registered post or personal pick-up.

Difference compared to EH3
  • Additional built-in security measures in the login method (PKI certificate).
  • Additional check of identity and authorities (personal data of both the legal representative and the authorisation manager are checked by face-to-face appearances, and proof of identity according to an original ID document).

EH3: most widely used

More and more service providers require level of assurance EH3 for their online services. As a result, EH3 is the most commonly used eHerkenning means and can effectively be seen as the standard.

Do you log in with multiple online services? When making your application, select the highest level of assurance you need, or upgrade your eHerkenning means. With a higher level you can always log in to services at a lower level. You will still need an authorisation for each service.


You are already using eHerkenning but you now need a higher level of assurance. In that case, you must upgrade your eHerkenning means to a higher level of assurance.

Do you want to upgrade? Contact your supplier.